Drain care

Septic tank waste systems are connected to traditional waste water drain systems on your property or house. AJ’s and drain inspection chambers will be found a various points outside your house on the pathways to allow drain cleaning access (for rod cleaning of drains and drain cleaning jetting).

Waste water (or ‘Wavin’ pipes ) are usually arranged in a stack on the external wall near bathrooms, toilets and shower rooms with a soil vent stack protruding above the lower section of the roof. This is to allow foul odors to escape from the system and not find there way back into the home through open drain points etc. Soil venting is also essential to allow the release of dangerous gasses that build up in waste systems.

Below you will find some links and pages displayed from

  1. Maintenance of drains and septic tanks the do’s and don’ts
  2. Citydrain.ie a Dublin based drain cleaning and drain repair / sewer relining company which provide advice and service primarily to drain system blockages & problems that are tied on to the mains waste pipe drainage systems found in cities and towns.
  3. Draincleaningwestmeath.com  are a Westmeath based drain cleaning and drain jetting company.

Contact our Team at Septic systems Ireland or any of our partners below for advice and to arrange a call out to have blockages cleaned and cleared, this will allow drain CCTV survey or ‘look see’ CCTV of drain system to ascertain the problem area and to advise if your septic tank system requires replacement or upgrading to meet the septic tank regulations.



Drain care | Septic tank waste systems | Waste water systems | drain cleaning | drain pipe blockages | septic tank system replacement